Monday, March 30, 2015

Finally Painting the Interior

It's been a few weeks since I last posted and that is because I have projects that are unfinished and I wanted them done before I posted pics....well guess what?  They are still undone LOL so oh well get over it.

Two weeks ago I started making a cabinet that will sit on top of the little cabinet that is located next to the door.  The reason I made it was because I wanted to attach a flat screen TV but the 1967 thin plywood walls would not hold it so this was my solution.  Not only do I get to have a mounted TV I also gained a lot of much needed storage.  Notice I made one side 5 inches shorter than the other side and I curved the shelves so that they matched the ascetics of the curves in the tin can camper.  Well I attempted at least LOL.

Then I prepared little Rosie to be painted here are some before and after pics. Don't look too close I still have to do trim painting where the rollers couldn't reach.  

                                         Before                                                                         After

                                        Before                                                                        After    

So we had a few tornadoes last week and it scared me that Rosie might become a propt for a Wizard of Oz movie so I finally insured her LOL.  This is the picture from my back yard....scary!

But I am safe!!

Until next time.....happy trails!

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